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Your Help Can Make a Difference

“Above all, we can never forget that the faces of substance use disorders are real people. They are a beloved family member, a friend, a colleague, and ourselves." –-Dr. Vivek Murthy, Former US Surgeon General




Given the double edged sword of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the nationwide Opioid Epidemic, CASA has never been more committed to assisting individuals and their families struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Both crises continue to disproportionately affect those traditionally underserved population we target in Bridgeport and New Haven. In those cities alone we have seen a 22% increase in opioid overdose deaths during the first half of this year. 


At this time, CASA’s mission has never been more critical as we work with individuals who are experiencing heighten levels of depression, loneliness and anxiety brought on by the Pandemic. Unfortunately, these symptoms will inevitably contribute to relapse, potential overdose, and death. Fortunately, CASA’s approach to compassionate and holistic care assures those individuals we serve access to behavioral healthcare services that is rooted in dignity, respect and sensitivity to the realities of our Recoveree’s socio-cultural backgrounds.  In addition, we continue to provide telehealth services, in-person services and provide our staff and facilities with ample PPE.  Further, we have taken many physical plant precautions to ensure the optimal health and safety of all our Recoverees and staff.


CASA’s 30-year journey of treating the debilitating effects of addiction and mental health challenges is easily understood as a time of providing hope, humility and community healing against a backdrop of societal tensions, stigmatization, economic hardships, healthcare reform and an opioid epidemic. Your generous contribution will help us to continue that mission, save lives and save communities. 
Please consider making a donation today and help us make a difference!




Asher Delerme

Executive Director



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