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Proyecto Nueva Vida

Proyecto Nueva Vida is an outpatient treatment program that focuses on Spanish speaking male and female residents of the greater Bridgeport area who may be poor, unemployed or underemployed and have a criminal background. The program works in collaboration with HIV care services at the Optimus Community Health Center and vocational services at the COOP center in Bridgeport. We see an increasing population of non-treatment seeking individuals mandated to care through the Department of Children and Families or through the criminal justice system. 


Services Provided

  • Evidence-based Individual and Group Therapy

  • Psychiatric Evaluation and Follow-up

  • Buprenorphine Prescription for Opioid Addiction

  • Recreational Therapeutic Activities

  • Family Counseling and Forums

  • HIV/AIDS/STD Testing and Counseling

  • Gender Specific Therapy

  • Integration with natural supports in the community

  • Services addressing the impact of institutionalization

  • Urine/Drug Screens

  • Problem Gambling Services 


Our program features an active peer-mentoring program that is inclusive of the recovering community at large. Emphasis is placed on empowerment, community involvement and cultural pride. The mentorship program is a peer-driven, peer-led, and peer-operated recovery support program that supports diverse pathways to recovery and includes all aspects of what the recovering community is seeking, including:

  • Family support activities

  • Recovery forums for those in recovery and their families

  • Events and celebrations for spiritual growth

  • Community involvement and civic service

  • Alcohol and drug-free recreational/social activities

  • The value and the power of the “wounded healer” 

  • Helping oneself by helping others

  • Legislative education and advocacy that work to put a visible face on recovery in the Latino and African American community

  • Active involvement in the annual CCAR Recovery Walks effort.


If you are interested in this program, please contact the intake and screening department at 203.339.4112.



690 Arctic Street, Bridgeport, CT 06608

665 Arctic Street Bridgeport, CT 06608


1124 Iranistan Ave.

Bridgeport, CT 06605


Phone: 203-331-4728

Fax: 203-873-0987

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